Tuesday, February 7, 2012

____ a.k.a. Random Observations

I apologize for how late this is. I blame Chemistry and life. And yes, the first half of this entry's title is blank. Big whoop, wanna fight about it? I'm only a music minor, I'm not supposed to be creative.

Organic Chemistry I almost killed me, and Organic II might strike the final blow. I have a week and a half left, and I want to jump off of a bridge.
I am the 99%

So now that's out of the way, the last few weeks have been very strange...as well as interesting to say the least.

Winter break went well. I went home (obviously) and relaxed. OK...that was a blatant lie. I only did one of three things: composed, watched TV, or studied organic chemistry. Any guesses to which one was the most successful? Anyone? On the trip back to school, the driver of the car I was in (as well as I) got into a discussion on stupid people...which is one of the things I like to talk about. This conversation reminded me of Jay Leno whenever he did "Headlines." I would stay up extra on Mondays just for that reason only. But what really got me on the thing of stupid people were the police blotters a.k.a. stupid criminals. I was telling this friend about some of the dumb criminals that I read about in this book. 
  • The criminal that refused to put on his hat...because "that was not the way he was wearing it."
  • The numerous sketches of the criminals...in their masks.
  • The criminal that refused to say, "This is a stickup," because "that wasn't what he said."
When I was in Organic Chemistry I, I learned a very important lesson. That lesson? On any exam, when you decide to start working on a problem, tell yourself that you will get back to it at the very end, because it is a fairly easy question, and then forget to finish your answer, it will factor into your final grade for that exam. I heard a very disturbing sound that day in class...the sound of me throwing away 4 easy points.

I recently found a website called Food Network Humor...which I had to read through since a friend back home over winter break got me rehooked to the Food Network. On this website, some people have put up recipes of their own...with disastrous results.

OOH! I know know how to make Chocolate Dunked Strawberries!

Ok, a couple of questions. Why in the world does this recipe exist? I about died laughing upon reading the sheer ridiculousness of the recipe for "Dark Chocolate as a Snack."

I can't remember if I mentioned the friend that saw someone in sweatpants with something like "Beautiful" across the butt. That's not attractive. On the same level...I saw someone in the dining hall a few days ago...wearing sweatpants...with pawprints on each of the cheeks. I have never judged any harder.

Yep. It's definitely why we can't have nice things.